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Adult Education Funding

Changes to funding in 2024/25
Updated 23 July 2024
From August 2024 the Adult Skills Fund (ASF) replaces the Adult Education Budget (AEB). The way the funding rates are set has also been changed. The new Adult Skills Fund funding rates will apply to all new starts in academic year 2024/25. See the government website for more information on ASF funding rules and funding rates 2024/25.
Please note: All learning aims that started before 1 August 2024 and continue into academic year 2024/25 will continue to use the funding calculation from last year.
Find out which Pearson qualifications are available for adult funding in 2024/25.
What are the different further education funding streams?
Qualifications and units are available in several funding streams to suit different learner requirements.
From 2024/25 the ESFA funded Adult Skills Fund (ASF) has replaced the ESFA funded Adult Education Budget (AEB).
The ASF funds four legal entitlements to full funding:
- 19-23 Level 2 entitlement funding: Level 2 qualifications for individuals aged 19 to 23 who do not have a full level 2 qualification.
- 19-23 Level 3 entitlement funding: Level 3 qualifications for individuals aged 19 to 23 who do not have a full level 3 qualification.
- English and Maths entitlement funding: Entry to Level 2, GCSEs and Functional Skills qualifications, and stepping stone qualifications (including units where applicable) in English and/or maths approved by DfE for individuals aged 19 and over who have not previously achieved a GCSE grade A* - C or grade 4 or higher.
- Digital Skills entitlement funding: Entry and Level 1, Essential Digital Skills qualifications (EDSQs) OR Digital Functional Skills qualifications (FSQs) (including units where applicable) for individuals aged 19 and over who have digital skills assessed at below level 1.
- Free course for jobs (FCFJ): Full funding for Level 3 qualifications for adults who meet the definition of being below the earnings threshold or are unemployed. Individuals who have exhausted their first level 3 legal entitlement and do not meet the definition of being below the earnings threshold or unemployed have the option of funding through an Advanced Learner Loan (ALL).
- Local flexibility offer: Full or co funding for Entry to Level 2 qualifications including ESOL qualifications (and units where applicable) for individuals aged 19 and over who meet the definition of being below the earnings threshold or unemployed. These learners can also take qualifications from the 19-23 Level 2 entitlement funding list. Individuals who have exhausted their first full level 2 entitlement and do not meet the definition of being below the earnings threshold or unemployed are co-funded.
- Heavy goods vehicle (HGV) driver training: Full or co-funding for Level 2 qualifications which will prepare eligible learners for HGV licence acquisition of all vehicles up to category C and E (articulated) for individuals aged 19 and over who meet the definition of being below the earnings threshold or unemployed. Individuals who have exhausted their first full level 2 entitlement and do not meet the definition of being below the earnings threshold or unemployed are co-funded. This also allows eligible learners, fully funded and co-funded, to be reimbursed for the cost of HGV licences and medical.
Full funding can also be claimed for the following, but these are not captured in our lists below given they include non-regulated / workplace learning:
- Tailored learning: As part of the new ASF, the term tailored learning brings together what was AEB community learning, formula-funded AEB non-regulated learning (previously delivered through adult skills) and any new employer-facing innovative provision that is not qualification based. The primary purpose of tailored learning is to support learners into employment and to progress to further learning. It will, however, also support wider outcomes including using it to improve health and wellbeing, equip parents/carers to support their child’s learning and develop stronger communities.
- Work placement for 19- to 24-year-olds: Work placements for individuals aged 19-24 who enrol on one or more learning aims from the ASF core offer, or a vocational qualification listed on find a learning aim, alongside a work placement learning aim.
- Sector-based work academy programme (SWAP): The pre-employment training element of SWAP for Job Centre Plus claimants funded through ASF local flexibility.
- The Prince’s Trust: Programmes designed to improve confidence, motivation and skills for eligible 16 to 25-year-olds.
- Advanced Learner Loans: A source of fees and support for Level 3, 4, 5 and 6 qualifications for individuals aged 19 and over.
Funding resources and support
If you’re already an approved centre, you just need to gain qualification approval in order to offer one of our funded qualifications. To find out how, talk to your account manager or see our qualifications approval page. If you are not yet a centre, but wish to be, please contact us.

Funded qualifications list
All Pearson qualifications available for adult funding in 2024/25, along with their funding rates.

Still have questions?
Our expert team are on hand to answer your Adult Education Funding questions.